Interview with the Author: C.B. Vaughn


How did you get started writing?

The first time I wrote a story was in High School. “The Great Jonathan Jacobs”, about a detective. That's when I realized I liked creating stories.

I didn't start writing for real until 2010. After I played Mass Effect 2 I enjoyed it so much that I thought I would like to make stories like that.

I love anime and animation as well. Stuff like Cowboy Bebop and Avatar the Last Airbender really get me wanting to write more.

Do you have any special tools or inspiration for writing?

I love using music to write. It gets me in a certain mood and I'm able to create images in my head like movies. It helps me get a visual on how to write certain parts of the story.

What is your favorite thing about writing?

The thing I love the most about my stories are the characters. To be honest even if the basic story itself is a little weak, if the characters are likable and relatable it’s fun to follow along despite the flaws.

I enjoy writing my characters because I just pretend they're my friend or something. How would this person act in this situation?

Why have you chosen the genres you write in?

I like writing fantasy the most. I like making worlds up from scratch. Crime and mystery are fun but I don't think I have the ability for it. Takes an evil genius to come up with those plot twists.

I like having a comedic edge to most of my stories but add some adult themes at times to keep it honest.

I feel like life is equal parts good and bad so both are reflected in most of my stories.

What are your challenges?

I love the writing part but editing is like falling into a black hole, very dangerous and not very pleasant.