What I think is great: Chaunci.com A slick business website that's also personal. Mostly, it grabs me by the heart when I see someone doing what they are obviously, truly meant to be doing, and this website exemplifies that. Chaunci's photography is pure art - the art of human connection.

Old favorite thing: Getting Things Done. Every time I file, or find, something in my two file boxes that elegantly hold everything important, I exalt my past self who years ago did the thing David Allen demands - gathering and piling all the paper in your life and sorting it. Yes, it is awful. No, you don't want to do it. Yes, it will save time forever after.

This is a productivity classic for a reason. See also the "if it takes two minutes or less, just do it right now" GTD rule. So many others.

What I just discovered about myself: Decision fatigue. I know all about it, but I think I just learned that it is the biggest challenge of my daily life. I thrive on being serially single-minded. My life does not work well like that. It's an ongoing WIP to minimize task-switching and reduce decision fatigue.

Triumph of the week (ToTW): Compliments from an engineer. Sound engineers that love me. Call me crazy, but the feedback that pleases me most is from a happy engineer. My files are "so easy to work with; don't change anything! (in all caps!); “a pleasure to work with and excellent at what you do!”; comments on my high accuracy. I know it doesn't make a lick of difference to the consumer, listening to the audiobook at the end, but I want to not be a hassle for the engineer.

What I appreciate: I have a blueberry tree and it is gorgeous. I also have cedar waxwings flocking the wild cherry trees around my house. I'm not used to seeing them, since I was a kid. They are beleaguered, and I'm happy to see them.

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Aven Shore