What I'm excited about:

  • An upcoming AIC (Audiobook Industry Chat on Clubhouse) interview with narrators turned authors. Narrators seem inclined to write books. Imagine that! They tend to write WELL! Imagine!

  • DragonCon. I'm going to Atlanta. Just changed my flight a day earlier to spend time with a friend <3

What I'm cautiously optimistic about: Joplin. It looks like Scrivener and works like Journler (I'm still in mourning. I miss Journler.).

What I'm listening to: Hot Rod Hookups by Cassandra Medcalf. A NaNo buddy! She wrote the disgustingly perfect Betting on the House the same NaNo I first wrote, and I'm so excited that in book two Shawn gets his story, (and his hookup), because Shawn's a good guy.

What I'm happy with: My new daily list approach. I can't believe I'm back at checkmarks but here we are. It's kind of a hybrid "done list", but with checkmarks for each element of a perfect day. I'm excited about anything that bends focus toward the joy of accomplishment, rather than attention on what is "undone". This habit-monster is always working on refining the daily list system.

What I'm still in love with: WHB (Wim Hof Breathing). Recommended reading about hormetic stress, why it works, and how breathing is our one direct comms line to our autonomic nervous system: Breath, by James Nestor, and What Doesn't Kill Us, by Scott Carney. Yeah, that one made me adopt cold plunging. WHB was clutch for me doing daily radiation this year, both for the discipline of breath holding applied DURING the radiation treatments, and for managing anxiety. This may be my strongest tool for calming myself. Better than drugs! And very efficient. (11 minutes! You have 11 minutes!)

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Aven Shore